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Raghad Organics Coffee & Ginger Body Scrub 1000ml

18.000 JD
18.000 JD
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Body Issue: Hyperpigmentation , Acne, Cellulite, Skin Dryness, and Impurities

Skin Type: All Skin Types

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About the Product


Raghad Organics Coffee & Ginger Body Scrub 1000ml the coffee granules in the body scrub include caffeine, which adds to its antioxidant capabilities, eliminating dead cells gathered on the skin’s surface and giving it a velvety feel. Ginger aids in the detoxification and purification of the body, as well as promoting blood circulation and speeding the healing of wounds and scars. Both men and women can utilize it.

It has been shown to be beneficial in the following areas:

  • Unifying body tone, removing pigmentation, and traces of pimples/acne.
  • Maintaining bodily hydration by gently eliminating dead skin.
  • Assisting in the reduction of cellulite appearance.
  • Increasing the body’s freshness and lightness.
  • Increasing blood circulation and collagen formation in the body.


Apply the scrub to moist skin and massage in circular motions for two minutes. Rinse your body with water and you should notice a change.


رغد اورجانكس مقشرالقهوة و الزنجبيل للجسم 1000مل تحتوي حبيبات القهوة الموجودة في مقشر الجسم على مادة الكافيين، مما يزيد من قدراتها المضادة للأكسدة، ويزيل الخلايا الميتة المتجمعة على سطح الجلد ويمنحها ملمسًا مخمليًا. يساعد الزنجبيل في إزالة السموم وتنقية الجسم، فضلاً عن تعزيز الدورة الدموية وتسريع شفاء الجروح والندبات. يمكن لكل من الرجال والنساء الاستفادة منه.

وقد ثبت أنه مفيد في المجالات التالية:

- توحيد لون الجسم وإزالة التصبغات وآثار البثور وحب الشباب.

- الحفاظ على ترطيب الجسم عن طريق إزالة الجلد الميت بلطف.

- المساعدة في الحد من ظهور السيلوليت. زيادة نضارة الجسم وخفة وزنه.

- زيادة الدورة الدموية وتكوين الكولاجين في الجسم.

طريقة الاستخدام:

ضعي المقشر على بشرة رطبة ودلكي بحركات دائرية لمدة دقيقتين. اشطفي جسمك بالماء وستلاحظين التغيير.

-Texture: Granular and creamy consistency with small, exfoliating coffee and ginger particles
-Skin issues: body cellulite, cracks, dryness, ingrown hairs
-Time of application: 1-2 times a week
-Age: 15+
-Skin type: All skin types
-Main benefits: Remove dead skin cells accumulated on the surface of the body, giving it a freshness and silky texture. Relieve the appearance of cellulite and cracks.
Lighten the body and increase its freshness. Stimulation of blood circulation in the body and collagen production.
-Formulated without: Silicones, Alcohol

-Coffee Arabica Seed Powder it helps stimulate circulation, exfoliate dead skin cells, and improve skin texture. Coffee is also known for its anti-cellulite benefits.
-Lactic Acid an AHA (alpha-hydroxy acid) that provides gentle exfoliation, promotes skin renewal, and helps improve skin texture and tone by removing dead skin cells.
-Argan Oil nourishing oil rich in vitamin E and fatty acids, known for its hydrating and anti-aging properties. It helps moisturize the skin and improve its elasticity.
-Sweet Almond Oil gentle and moisturizing oil that soothes the skin and adds softness. It's rich in vitamins A, D, and E.
-Ginger Root Powder known for its anti-inflammatory properties and can help soothe the skin. It also has a stimulating effect on blood circulation, which can improve skin tone and texture.
-Licorice Extract known for its brightening and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps even out skin tone and reduce redness or irritation.

Apply the right amount of coffee and ginger scrub to a damp body and make a massage with circular movements on the skin, leave for two or 10 minutes to cure cellulite, and then rinse with water.

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