Gain Plus Eye-q Stage 3, 400 Gram
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Age: More than 1 year
Features: Palm oil free, Nutritious, Cognitive Development, and Gluten Free
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About the Product
Gain Plus Eye-q Stage 3, 400 Gram new and Improved Gain Plus with Eye-Q Plus Immunify Ingredients is scientifically formulated with all essential nutrients and energy.New and Improved Gain Plus with Eye-Q Plus Immunify Ingredients contains: Eye-Q System of Nutrients including AA, DHA, Omega 3 and 6, taurine, choline and iron. In addition, it contains added phospholipids and lutein. Phospholipids are essential for the functioning of brain cells. Blend of immune ingredients, including nucleotides, prebiotics and probiotics. Fortified with additional calcium and a blend of vegetable fats without palm olein.
ุฌูู ุจูุณ ุขู-ููู ุงูู ุฑุญูุฉ 3ุ 400 ุบุฑุงู ย ุชู ุชุตู ูู Gain Plus ุงูุฌุฏูุฏ ูุงูู ุญุณู ู ุน ู ูููุงุช Eye-Q Plus Immunify ุจุดูู ุนูู ู ู ุน ุฌู ูุน ุงูุนูุงุตุฑ ุงูุบุฐุงุฆูุฉ ุงูุฃุณุงุณูุฉ ูุงูุทุงูุฉ. ูุญุชูู Gain Plus ุงูุฌุฏูุฏ ูุงูู ุญุณู ู ุน ู ูููุงุช Eye-Q Plus Immunify ุนูู: ูุธุงู Eye-Q ู ู ุงูุนูุงุตุฑ ุงูุบุฐุงุฆูุฉ ุจู ุง ูู ุฐูู AA ูDHA ูุฃูู ูุบุง 3 ู 6ุ ุงูุชูุฑูู ูุงูููููู ูุงูุญุฏูุฏ. ูุจุงูุฅุถุงูุฉ ุฅูู ุฐููุ ูุฅูู ูุญุชูู ุนูู ุงูุฏููู ุงูููุณูุงุชูุฉ ุงูู ุถุงูุฉ ูุงูููุชูู. ุงูููุณููููุจูุฏุงุช ุถุฑูุฑูุฉ ูุนู ู ุฎูุงูุง ุงูุฏู ุงุบ. ู ุฒูุฌ ู ู ุงูู ูููุงุช ุงูู ูุงุนูุฉุ ุจู ุง ูู ุฐูู ุงููููููููุชูุฏุงุช ูุงูุจุฑูุจุงููุชูุณ ูุงูุจุฑูุจููุชูู. ู ุฏุนู ุจุงููุงูุณููู ุงูุฅุถุงูู ูู ุฒูุฌ ู ู ุงูุฏููู ุงููุจุงุชูุฉ ุจุฏูู ุฃูููู ุงููุฎูู.
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