Rilastil Acnestil Micropeeling 100ml
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Skin Issue: Acne , Discoloration, and Dead skin
Skin Type: Acne-Prone and Oily
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About the Product
Rilastil Acnestil Micropeeling 100ml is formulated to contain Salicylic Acid and Mandelic Acid as well as Aziloglycine and Niacinamide . This is the strongest and internal formula in the scrub to work with some exfoliation of the skin’s surface and renew its cells, and through the level of filtration necessary for this, it rids the skin of acne, as well as black pimples, white pimples, and pimples stuck under the skin, reduces the appearance of pores, and restores the impurities and dirt stuck inside them. The presence of various substances, niacinamide, unifies the color, reduces the appearance and effects of acne, and adds overall freshness to society.
Use it once or twice daily after washing the skin with a cotton ball. On the affected area (face or body), do not wash the entire face.
ريلاستيل مقشر للبشرة الدهنية 100مل تركيبة تحتوي على حمض الساليسيليك وحمض المندليك بالإضافة إلى أزيلوغليسين ونياسيناميد. هذه هي التركيبة الأقوى والداخلية في المقشر لتعمل مع بعض التقشير لسطح الجلد وتجديد خلاياه، ومن خلال مستوى الترشيح اللازم لذلك، يخلص البشرة من حب الشباب، وكذلك البثور السوداء، والبثور البيضاء، والبثور العالقة تحت الجلد، ويقلل من ظهور المسام، ويعيد الشوائب والأوساخ العالقة بداخلها. وجود المواد المتنوعة النياسيناميد يوحد اللون ويقلل من ظهور وآثار حب الشباب، ويضيف النضارة العامة للبشرة.
طريقة الاستخدام:
استخدميه مرة أو مرتين يومياً بعد غسل البشرة بقطعة من القطن. على المنطقة المصابة (الوجه أو الجسم)، لا تغسل الوجه بالكامل.
-Texture: Lotion
-Skin issues: Acne, blemishes, post-Acne Marks, uneven skin texture
-Time of application: morning & evening
-Age: 15+
-Skin type: oily and acne-prone skin
-Main benefits: Exfoliating treatment designed for acne-prone skin, providing deep pore cleansing, reducing acne, and improving overall skin texture. It's perfect for controlling oil, reducing hyperpigmentation, and preventing future breakouts
-Formulated without: Parabens, Fragrances
Main Ingredients
- Mandelic Acid an Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA, gentle exfoliant that helps slough off dead skin cells, improving skin texture and brightness.
- Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) reduces redness and irritation, calming the skin. Helps control oil production, which can prevent clogged pores and acne formation. Helps fade dark spots and even out skin tone.
- Salicylic Acid, deep-penetrating exfoliant that works to clear clogged pores and break down excess oil within the skin.
- Potassium Azeloyl Diglycinate a derivative of azelaic acid combined with glycine. Helps brighten skin and reduce pigmentation, has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which help soothe and prevent acne lesions.
Controls oil production and reduces the risk of clogged pores.
How to use
Apply once or twice a day to cleansed skin with Acnestil Cleansing Gel or Mousse. Dry the affacted area and apply the lotion with a cotton pad. Do not rinse. Application on the body must be localized and
limited to the affected areas. For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes, eye contour, lips and mucous membranes.

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