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Raghad Organics Hydrasource Shampoo 500ml

14.900 JD
14.900 JD
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Hair Issue: Dryness, Frizz, Scalp Health, Damaged, and Lack of Shine

Hair Type: Normal, Dry, Color Treated, and Chemically Treated

Sulfate Free: Yes

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About the Product


Raghad Organics Hydrasource Shampoo 500ml is made with sulfate-free, paraben-free, SLS-free, and dimethazone-free components taken from nature.
It’s suitable for both regular and dry hair.

This Shampoo Rich in:

  • Macadamia oil: fatty acid and potassium enhanced oil that softens hair.
  • Sweet Almond Oil: Promotes hair development and helps to prevent hair loss.
  • Argan oil: moisturizes hair and promotes strong, healthy hair growth.
  • Coconut Oil: It will keep your hair lustrous and restore its natural sheen while also preventing frizz, especially in humid areas.
  • Chamomile Oil: To enhance shine and calm the scalp.
  • Sesame oil: to keep the scalp healthy and the hair strong from the roots.
  • Walnut oil: prevents hair loss and promotes hair growth.


Massage it into wet hair, create a lather, then rinse well.


رغد اورجانكس شامبو هايدراسورس 500 مل مصنوع من مكونات خالية من الكبريتات والبارابين وSLS وخالية من ثنائي الميثازون مأخوذة من الطبيعة. إنه مناسب للشعر العادي والجاف.

هذا الشامبو غني بـ:

- زيت المكاديميا: زيت معزز بالأحماض الدهنية والبوتاسيوم الذي يعمل على تنعيم الشعر.

- زيت اللوز الحلو: يعزز نمو الشعر ويساعد على منع تساقطه.

- زيت الأركان: يرطب الشعر ويعزز نمو الشعر القوي والصحي.

- زيت جوز الهند: سيحافظ على لمعان شعرك ويعيد له لمعانه الطبيعي ويمنع تجعده، خاصة في المناطق الرطبة.

- زيت البابونج: لتعزيز لمعان وتهدئة فروة الرأس.

- زيت السمسم: للحفاظ على صحة فروة الرأس وقوة الشعر من الجذور.

- زيت الجوز: يمنع تساقط الشعر ويعزز نمو الشعر.

طريقة الاستخدام:

قومي بتدليكه على الشعر المبلل، ثم اصنعي رغوة ثم اشطفيه جيدًا.

-Texture: Liquid, smooth consistency
-Hair issues: Dryness, frizz, lack of moisture, dullness, and damage.
-Time of application: 2-3 times a week or as needed.
-Age: 6+
- Hair type: Dry, Normal and dyed hair.
-Main benefits: Deeply hydrates and nourishes hair.
Enhances moisture retention for softer, more manageable hair. Reduces frizz and improves shine. Strengthens hair and promotes overall health.
-Formulated without: Silicones, Sulfate

-Panthenol (Pro-Vitamin B5) helps improve hair elasticity and shine.
-Coconut Oil penetrates the hair shaft to provide hydration.
-Argan Oil rich in fatty acids and vitamin E, deeply hydrates and nourishes.
-Macadamia Seed Oil adds moisture and softness to the hair.

Put the right amount in the palm of your hand, then gently massage the scalp and massage the entire hair, then rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water. Used for every shower, from the age of 6 years for both sexes. It can be used after protein and amino therapy.

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